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Old 07-05-2021, 08:46 PM
Nervaaz Nervaaz is offline
Large Bat

Join Date: Apr 2021
Posts: 9

Totally go do something else. Sounds like a description of total burnout to me. I just started on P99 a short while ago, and it's a great community of gamers. Maybe the best I've ever played with.

But the endgame environment of any MMO I've ever played can become hardcore and nasty. That is where you find the A-type personalities playing a damn game. They min/max, they do shitty things, they get greedy, they blame others for their unhappiness, and that is where you find the perfectionists. It has been the same with any MMO I've ever played. And you either just deal with it, or you quit. The worst thing you should do is waste your time coming on a forum to whine about it to everyone else. It is not going to change, so either man up and deal with it, or leave and find something else to do with your time.