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Old 07-05-2021, 04:07 PM
bomaroast bomaroast is offline

Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 382
Default This community has sucked the joy out of EQ

There are only a handful of acceptable places to level, otherwise you have to bring your own group or get comfortable soloing. The raiding scene is an incredible waste of man-hours, and is wretchedly boring because all guilds are zerg-guilds and all content is known. Big mobs were being slaughtered all across velious within hours of release. That shouldn't really be possible, except for the fact that all guilds are zerg-guilds.

I went to check on the beads camp, and the list was 25 people long. Just looking around, it appeared that maybe 6 of those people were active. Everyone else was alt-tabbed out.

The guild I was in was doing plate house, and the officers decided that they were going to let the dwarf get away in order to shut down any other guild from immediately starting after we left. Intentionally screwing over other Everquesters because of.. I dont know even know.. something about competition, I guess?

There used to be some pleasure in just enjoying the game, but that's mostly gone. It's just a grab for pixels.

I've been on P99 since 2009, but it's finally time.

I will absolutely let the door hit me on the way out, fuck you too.
Last edited by bomaroast; 07-05-2021 at 04:11 PM..