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Old 06-30-2021, 04:42 PM
Byue Byue is offline
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Originally Posted by starkind [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
@byue I watch fox occasionally but a lot more other. Read mostly non news related think tank stuff less interested in spinning and more academic. tv news is very dumbed down. Like yikes bryue (hard r like Bro) intentional.
Nothing guarantees the neutrality of a think tank.
Actually, think tank are academic places that serves... no academic purposes, mostly.
Because they are not conducting research per se.
And most of them relies on big donors and this makes it so that a lot of the very influential think tanks are... heavily conservatives biased.

Just a heads up.

The absolute best way to digest news is to read it from different angles.
A good story will be reported on in many countries, using many different newspaper which you can cross reference. Perhaps one puts emphasis on a thing and another on another and together, you get a more complete stories.

Foreign Powers Buy Influence at Think Tanks

I don't think you would click links I provide but if yu do research about the think tank itself, you might find biases and contra points about it.
You do not have to believe them but since you seem to want to fight bias, it may be a good idea.

I think we also have different definition of news.
Things being reported are news but the four panels expert arguing and talking on top of each other, is opinion-based or, if you prefer, an editorial and

a newspaper article written by or on behalf of an editor that gives an opinion on a topical issue.

Obviously agenda based.

You do not need that crap.
Tucker Carlson?
Not a journalist, doesn't claim to be and actually, claims to be a showman.
You Literally Can't Believe The Facts Tucker Carlson Tells You. So Say Fox's Lawyers

Someone reporting a car crash in a tunnel?
News but like, absolutely unimportant news.

So perhaps we just don't use the definition of news the same way.
All I know, is that often, when a journalist uncover truths, a side is more likely to not believe it than the other, even though people are just reporting facts and on the same token, if a police officer claim something on TV, a side is more likely than the other to believe it as the truth and the two examples uses the same group.
Wild, uh?
I don't even know that I don't know.