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Old 06-09-2021, 12:31 PM
Byue Byue is offline
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Originally Posted by Gwaihir [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I was kind of hoping globohomo would get more useless idiots out of the way so we could fucking exterminate them afterwards.

Sorry globohomo, if you want a depop event, you're gonna have to get your hands dirty.

They fucked up big time, though. They needed a lot more deaths and a lot higher vaccination rates for their plan to blame it on those of us who saw the business the whole time.

It's not gonna be pretty when the vaxxies start dying.

So much to unpack in such a little paragraph.

First, let me just say it, you are batshit crazy.
Second, you are really dumb.

So I had to google globohomo because your cult is going argotic.
(Argotic: a specialized vocabulary or set of idioms used by a particular group.)

(Globohomo: noun, can also be used as an adjective) A portmanteau of the words "global" (or "globalist") and "homosexual." Used to sarcastically denote the predominant philosophy espoused by the Western economic elite, formally known as "neoliberalism".

There is many flaws with this theory. chief of which is the fact that neoliberalism...

(neoliberalism: Neoliberalism is contemporarily used to refer to market-oriented reform policies such as "eliminating price controls, deregulating capital markets, lowering trade barriers" and reducing, especially through privatization and austerity, state influence in the economy.)

Is an ultra conservative idea, despite the word liberal in it.

So, let me get this straight.

The super gay super conservative group known as neoliberals want to include the gays in and let the immigrants in so they can better kill them through a vaccine implanted during a pandemic that saw the economic activity drop?
That's convoluted, why not block them at the frontier so they can get raped and killed by the cartels instead, seems easier. Or why not do a war of I meant on terror?

The elite entered economic decline to better kill the marginalized but you brave bible thumper with such an education and multiple reasons to stay alive will see the plan foiled simply by not taking the vaccine and so the liberal elite will only kill liberals what a great plan.

Luckily you saw right through it with your superior imagination, education and intelligence.

I don't even know that I don't know.