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Old 06-01-2021, 09:45 PM
RecondoJoe RecondoJoe is offline

Join Date: May 2020
Posts: 241

Originally Posted by Gravydoo II [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Its just really easy to refute. SOOOO easy.

It makes me wonder if these people have ever voted in their lives. Like they dont even know that you're on camera the entire time, filling out a form with your entire government ID, SSN included, then handing it into the government to be checked and rechecked. Then rechecked by retards for bamboo, watermarks, and alien laser burns.

I dont even see how you could make it more full proof. Showing ID is redundant. Literally filling out your entire ID, on camera, to be checked against your SSN and government ID on file in your local county.

You cant even submit a ballot anywhere else but your voting precinct. It wont count, so how would you even submit two?? How?? Do it like donald trump said and get a mail in then vote in person??

I guess if you made a fake identity, submit a new birth certificate, get a new SSN, then created a whole other person that happened to look like you, some how.

That or you were born with a twin, murdered them, and voted in their place.

Thats about the only way you could cheat it.

Since a lot of people who live in big cities they use public transportation. Dont need an ID or drivers license. You know the ones. Those states that support the red welfare states surrounding them. Shorten the hours so nobody can vote after work. Limit a county of over a 100,000 to one polling station, shit like that. Dont try to expand your base, just make it impossible to vote til they kill you.