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Old 04-22-2021, 11:31 AM
unsunghero unsunghero is offline

Join Date: Aug 2015
Posts: 8,473

I zipped around NK for weeks and weeks looking for him and asking in ooc if anyone had seen him with no luck

I ended up getting the medallion from TunnelQuest for 50p. 2 days ago when I was selling fine steel weaps to the gypsy camp I noticed him walking around just outside of camp. I killed him after no one in the zone said they needed him. Probably shouldn’t have done it but I was pissed at him for eluding me for so long (also a high level mage who was massacring every mob in the zone trying to get griffienes to spawn was about to kill him anyway. The mage said he already had the medallion too in his bank so no matter what it was going to rot). He didn’t drop the medallion, just some -5 cha wrist

I’ve also seen HG’s in NK multiple times this past week having gone weeks never seeing them before

Edit: this is on Green server however
Last edited by unsunghero; 04-22-2021 at 11:41 AM..