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Old 04-14-2021, 12:49 PM
indiscriminate_hater indiscriminate_hater is offline

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Originally Posted by Gustoo [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Tons of cop calls are just to deal with a crazy guy on the street with a drug problem and mental health problems.

Instead of sending a person who's main objective is to come out alive, where every interaction makes someone more of a criminal, you could send someone who's only objective is to help people with mental health problems.

Cops don't want to be mental health professionals. They aren't, and they don't want to be.

So send someone else. Right now we don't have anyone else to send when there is a guy on street corner muttering obscenities at people and kinda falling into the road. So that guy might talk to a cop and do something stupid and get shot.

Now if our intension is to just kill these guys, why don't we put forward a law to kill everyone with mental health issues?

If that isn't our intension, lets add some options for ways to deal with these people.

The prison system is the same kind of joke. Why even send people there if they only come out with a formal education in being a criminal, forced to choice between the racist gang that they are most suited for by virtue of their physical appearance. If we wan't people to have their lives ruined, lets make a more efficient process like a firing squad.

If we want to repair our damaged citizens lets do something that actually has a chance at that.

Anyways play red.
You would love the DA of San Francisco, Chesa Boudin. He is an advocate of restorative justice, wherein criminals forego prison sentences in favor of programs that are meant to restore them as useful members of society. Very noble in theory.

Unfortunately, the reality over the past couple of years has been that crime has skyrocketed, in large part because the disincentive of going to prison has been removed. Criminals have been caught and released for serious crimes over and over again with little to no repurcussion.

See an example here, and a more egregious example here. In that second story, a man with a string of previous felonies had been released to the public. He then went on to carjack the minivan of a man who was delivering for Doordash and happened to have his two small children in the backseats. So after a carjacking and double kidnapping that triggered an Amber Alert, what happened to this man after he was caught? He was again quickly released.

These are not cherry-picked or isolated issues, they are examples of a very long string of similar stories that has led to massive recall efforts across the city to remove the DA. Imagine that - in the most liberal city in America, nearly unanimous support to recall a progressive leader.

This is the problem with armchair liberals saying "well if we just did this, society would be fixed." Your thoughts are not original, your ideas are half-baked, and policies like this will inevatibly fail in the real world because people and society are complex. Mankind has had thousands of years to figure out that there has to be some disincentive to doing crime. In what world does your handful of years and experience qualify you to challenge that?