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Old 03-10-2021, 06:31 PM
Tsunami21k Tsunami21k is offline

Join Date: Mar 2014
Posts: 103

Being a new member in an established guild really isn’t awful as far as gearing goes. Especially if a vindi bp is a priority upgrade for you. Vindi is killed several times a day sometimes by the same guild. It isn’t super expensive as far as a dkp item goes.

Yes, many members in guilds like Vanquish/Riot/KWSM etc. probably have ungodly amounts of dkp, and if you want a big ticket item like a doze tear or vulak axe you likely won’t have enough dkp for it for quite some time.

Doesn’t mean you won’t get some amazing upgrades. They just might not be BIS. Find people you like and app to their outfit. You’ll see plenty of upgrades and end up making more friends to play with.
Sheldyn Koopa, Crusader of Greenmist.
Sevenday Suspension