Thread: NPC Push
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Old 01-25-2021, 12:18 AM
Detoxx Detoxx is offline
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Heres a few posts with evidence push did exist. One is from our own EQEmulator forums. There were no patch notes or changes to push that can be found anywhere.

There are spells with knockback, if you have Xuzl, he also has a pretty good knockback effect. The problem you will have is you (singly) can't move it enough to prevent gating.

You're better off getting your guild to work on positioning, and mana draining, Main Tank in front of mob, all others behind pushing it round the room. Chanters, and high lvl bards suck the mana out to stop the mob gating.

Wizzies should concentrate on nuking in ToV.
Depending on what it is Telekin (ok not yet there but anyway) might do the trick, but guild push tanking should be the main interrupt, and manadraining would be nice, in a longhish fight a bard can eazely drain all its mana while twisting all his other songs.

Practice youll get better P )
The most effective way to stop gater is still melee pushing. Just have to get your melees face the target on the same side to push it. Xuzl type pet (mage elementals, cleric hammers, etc.) also works very well.

Mana sieve is most important when fighting healers. If a dragon casts Complete Heal on itself during a battle, that battle is most likely lost. Stuns will not interrupt casters over level 55 or giants of any level, so mana deprivation is our only really viable technique. Some creatures can be pushed around by the melée fighters, causing all spells to be interrupted, but sieve can be more reliable. Mana stealing spells generate very little aggro, so you should be able to start stealing mana early in the fight without being slain instantly.
Heres one from the very Emulator we use"

That's the logic there. Note that "Mob" inherits all things. Meaning, disabling melee push here would result in *nothing* being pushed, PCs, pets, NPCs, *everything*.

This would mean, short of actual stuns or bash attacks, nobody will ever get interrupted while casting (movement is the sole cause of interrupting PCs/NPCs beyond genuine stuns). You could therefore situationally disable melee push for just NPCs or just PCs or whatever.

Disabling melee push on NPCs will make the game harder (with melee push, you have a shot at causing melee push to interrupt that NPC's Complete Heal cast. Without, all NPC spells guaranteed will succeed without a genuine stun/bash effect). You can do this by setting the rule MeleePushChance to 0, per the above code.

Disabling melee push on PCs will make the game easier (same reason, impossible to be interrupted now unless something genuinely stuns you with spell or bash). You would set the rule MeleePush to false to disable melee push wholesale for everything.
If nothing, this all proves that melee push should at least have a chance to interrupt. Here it has 0 chance. This is not right and easily proven by 10 minutes and a google search.
"All we really lose is one Warrior."
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