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Old 11-12-2020, 06:42 PM
Ripqozko Ripqozko is offline
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Originally Posted by reznor_ [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
My question for OP and others in this thread: why do you care so much?

How does a transgendered persons' existence negatively affect your life?

Religion against it? We live in America, freedom of religion and freedom from it. Fuck you.

Going to rape your kids in a bathroom? Hetero males commit most rapes, you're literally creating a boogeyman to suit your narrative

Here's one I heard the other day "it's popular right now and kids have phases and it will teach them to mutilate their bodies and be transgender and they will regret cutting their dicks off in 20 years". Ok yes kids are fucking stupid and will follow most anything, but when anything is hyped up by folks that children look up to (ie usually their parents) they're going to be naturally curious. It's the parents who have the ultimate power over this, because there's a way to discuss things with your child, and there's a way not to. Sorry you have bad parents / have failed as a parent.

It's 2020, we're only having discussion about human sexuality and gender because people literally are empty inside and have nothing else going for them in their lives. I say the same thing about folks who create drama, gossip, etc. Your life is empty if you have to focus outward like that. Focus on science, the world has way too many problems to solve as it is. Your moral crusade against trans people isn't fooling me.
Dunno why people lump religion being against something and hate together, you can love the person and hate the sin. They aren’t inclusive. Just like it’s your right to say fuck off to religion, it’s their right to say fuck off to the sin. I’m not a religious person but no need to bash folks that are. I live down south where most folks it’s a way of life , even if they are against things they feel are a sin doesn’t mean they don’t love them as a person. Roll tide I love all y’all.