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Old 10-28-2020, 11:07 AM
strongNpretty strongNpretty is offline
Fire Giant

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Join Date: Feb 2020
Location: Skatepark, WA
Posts: 847

Red is my jam now.. Let me explain why-

-I'm from blue.. Started out in 2016 with the goal to get a toon to 60, and complete an epic..
-Goal completed maybe a year or 2 later. After that, i did a little raiding. Enjoyed nostalgia, completed quests, helped lots of folks, assisted in some holiday events, and just adventured.
-Green opened up, i joined green, got a cleric to 40 and quit after i couldn't get groups nor find time to do them.
-Casualness just increased over the years, which now brings me to red. I am not ready to hang up P99, i can feel it slipping away but red is my answer. Fresh life. And it can be yours too!

From somebody who loved blue, and is a die hard blue, i now retire on red. Red currently scratches all the EQ itches for me. Just wanted to give you my 2 cents...

-I can take the express train to 60 since the exp moves faster, but dont get it twisted- as a casual it still is taking plenty of time haha.
-It's quiet, and you can enjoy the stuff you couldn't on Blue or Green..
-It's not toxic, i haven't had one bad experience online.. Seriously a handful of folks have been more than generous.
-Folk still want to group and adventure over there.
-You feel a bit more connected to the community on Red due to low pop and global /ooc.
-I know very few folks over there and i'm a quiet person yet people have asked me to form groups!
-Then there is the pvp aspect... I've had minimal experience, but the scuffle i did get in, was extreeeeeemly enjoyable haha.
-The joy from stress free EQ of having to compete with so many other folks is enjoyable on Red. It's welcoming. Died yesterday numerous times. No rez's, didn't give a single care!

Look i get it.. Red has a certain image, but i'm here as a blue casual player my whole career, to tell you. Just try it man, it's a different feel, and if your in a similar stage of your p99 career. Come on over! Red caters to a casual, it feels good..

Shoutout to the homies in Cazic yesterday! I'll cya again soon!