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Old 10-21-2020, 08:26 AM
Tokum-6n0m3 Tokum-6n0m3 is offline

Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 151
Default Why do I do this to myself.....

So i posted this as a comment on another thread but it was way off topic for the thread so I assume it'll get ignored and I was looking forward to opinions on it (I assume most will be negative, which is why I chose RnF to post it under)

Let me have it yall~~~

I still dont understand why its so hard to commit to a rotation that makes everyone happy.

You put all of ToV on Rotation similar to how we had on Emarr

You have to Kill Sontalak to be put on rotation, if you are on rotation already you cannot kill Sont as to leave him there for guilds to "apply" guilds who have already demonstrated an ability to kill most the dragons in ToV solo would automatically be put onto this rotation

When a dragon spawns the guild who has the North rotation that week has 24hrs (you can shorten this timer if you want to limit the spread of spawns) to kill said dragon or it becomes open FTE

The guild who had North rotation the week before will have the West and Doze rotation the week after.

In the name of competition you leave 1 week on each rotation cycle to be a pure FTE week, and Doze and the West dragons FTE the following week to keep the cycle going

All city leaders, gods, VP and AoW would remain normal FTE

This was roughly the agreement that took place for a short time on Emarr and for the most part worked for ToV. Ofcourse you would have to figure out a system for Earthquakes (maybe make them full FTE and the current rotation guild gets bumped back a week, they could possibly even get extra mobs from this to lessen the pain of the wait extension)

If you added agreed upon race criteria for the rest of the targets you could possibly even do away with Earthquakes and Variances making it far easier for Staff and Guilds to schedule raids and kills (I would still keep Earthquakes personally as a way to stop the spread of spawns being too drawn out, but variances could go imho)

Tho this wouldnt clean up the entire raid scene it would greatly reduce the number of petitions and disagreements if it was followed, it would also allow for other lesser guilds to gear up and participate in more FTE encounters as true competition.

I always hear people saying that rotations prevent competition but this would allow not only competition to continue on all fronts, but possibly even add more competition on City Leaders AoW etc while drastically improving the overall raid scene and "fairness" to lesser guilds and guilds that prefer to do things with smaller numbers

Im sure this will go over like a lead life preserver and it surely has holes that need to be addressed but overall something like this I can only see as being a good thing for the server as a whole
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