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Old 10-20-2020, 01:14 PM
Castle2.0 Castle2.0 is offline
Planar Protector

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Join Date: Aug 2014
Posts: 2,434

  • Biggest thing is open the freaking economy. We had record low unemployment and record high stock market. This included record low unemployment for black Americans
  • Tossing money doesn't work. It doesn't work for schools or low income communities. People need social support systems in place. I worked with inner city kids for years in a mentorship program. The social component of success is huge. Seeing other people being successful that you know and modeling what they do. Seeing others from your situation go on to become successful and having faith the process works. No idea if the platinum plan will achieve this. If it's just more money, it won't work. Also, my focus isn't on "EQUALITY OF ALL" my focus is on "BETTER FOR ALL." I don't care if Bezos has 2 trillion or 20 trillion. I care if people at all levels are improving. Capitalism when it's well executed does this.
  • Develop more nuclear plants.
  • Crack down on riots. Arrest rioters. Antifa already labeled terrorist organization - start arresting leaders/organizations and charging them. Investigate where funding is coming from. Don't censor people. If people make clear calls for physical violence, charge em.
  • Taking on China has happened to some degree. CCP is has 90M members. You cannot be a member and become a US citizen. No longer can CPP members send their kids to US for citizenship while the kid is still a professing member. This is a start. I lived in China 10+ years, too much to unpack here. The whole dialogue on China has shifted globally. EU refused to lead, the US is now leading. Expect some big changes in the future. Definitely some big risks as well.