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Old 10-15-2020, 07:13 PM
greatdane greatdane is offline
Fire Giant

Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 659

Here's an excerpt from a newbie guide for Sojourn, circa 1998. Much of this is clearly inspired by D&D, but a lot of it was unique to that game:


Clerics heal. They pray for their spells, which are granted to them by their gods. They have good hitpoints, much more than mage types and can wear more equipment, for example platemail. Clerics are always a requirement in groups.

These are a 'hybrid' priest and mage. They are more tribal, drawing their power from spirits. Shamans can heal to a lesser extent than Clerics, but they get some powerful offensive spells, a spirit pet, defensive and utility spells and a group healing spell which is very nice. Shamans are not a definitive requirement in groups (that is, without a shaman a group can still be formed), but they are always very welcome to join because of their strengths. For fighting dragons and other casting mobs, group heal is a requirement - this is when you cannot go without a shaman.

Priests of nature. They draw their spells from the gods of nature and the woodlands. They have healing and offensive spells, in addition to nice utility spells such as moonwell (teleportation). Not a requirement in groups but nice to have.

These are mages who specialize in offensive magic. They have few hitpoints and no defensive spells, but their offense is really strong. Someone is always needed for damage in groups, so invokers are usually more than welcome.

These are mages who specialize in defensive magic. Similar to invokers in that they have few hitpoints, they protect and defend the group. They also get very nice utility spells and are very powerful at higher levels. Always needed in groups.

Elementalist (previously Conjurer)
Mages who specialize in conjuring. They get some nifty spells and four powerful elemental embodiments, each giving the recipient special powers. Using these, they can actually do a lot solo, too. Not a core requirement but very nice.

These are mages who dabble with the dead. They can raise and command undead. They get nice offensive spells, and the option to quest for the Lich class at high levels, which makes them even more powerful. Not a required class, but always welcome.

Warriors take the beating from the enemy while the rest of the group fights it ('tanking'). They have the highest hitpoints in the game and skills which keep them alive and allow them to save other group members. Warriors don't do much damage, so know that before you roll one; choose a rogue or ranger instead if you want that. Always needed in groups.

Crusaders of the just cause. They are hybrid Warriors/Priests, that is, they are warriors with priestly spells. They have fewer hitpoints than warriors, but some nice spells to make up for it. Also, they have the best defensive skills in the game. They ride on mounts and fight in mounted combat. They can wield 2-handed weapons without penalty. Get extra experience for slaying evil aligned creatures, but lose experience for slaying neutral or good creatures. They have to remain of good alignment, or lose their powers. Can easily replace a warrior as tank in a group. Overpowered in my opinion since they can do almost everything warriors can do, but better, in addition to many unique skills/spells.

Crusaders of a foul cause. They are hybrid Warriors/Necromancers, and their spells are more offensive in nature. Also ride and fight mounted and wield 2-handed weapons. No bonus for killing any specific alignment, but don't have to worry about it either. Not required in groups, but a good addition.

The thief/assassin class. Frailer than Warriors and (Anti)Paladins, they don't tank very well. But they can dual wield, backstab, use various poisons and do a great deal of damage. Can detect traps and disarm them and pick locks. Very strong offense. Sneak and hide are extremely powerful skills. Not required in groups unless the zone has traps or locks, but always welcome.

Rangers are warriors attuned more to nature. They cannot tank as well as Warriors or (Anti)Paladins, but easily better than rogues. They get most skills warriors do, but are not as good at them. They can wield two weapons with great skill and do good damage. They can also use ranged combat, that is, fight with bows, and they do incredible damage this way. They are also granted some spells by their gods. Not a requirement in groups but nice to have.

Bards are musicians, their skill with song and instrument gives them the ability to magically influence players, fights and monsters. They can do some damage and provide nice utilities with their songs, especially at higher levels. They can do some damage with weapons as well. Bards are basically a cross between rogues and enchanters.


Humans - the standard race by which all others are measured. No particular strengths or weaknesses. Good casters and rogues. Average warriors, but poor when compared to barbarians and dwarves. Good antis and paladins.
STR *** DEX *** AGI *** CON *** WIS *** INT *** CHA ***

Dwarves - shorter and much stronger than humans, but not as intelligent. Live long and thus wiser than humans. Good warriors and clerics. Have innate infravision (see red shapes in the dark).
STR **** DEX *** AGI ** CON **** WIS **** INT ** CHA **

Barbarians - taller and swarthier than humans, but slower and duller. Good warriors and shamans. Have bodyslam innate.
STR **** DEX ** AGI **** CON **** WIS *** INT ** CHA **

Halflings - small and very fast, but weak even though they have decent hitpoints. Make excellent rogues. Hide and sneak innate.
STR ** DEX ***** AGI **** CON *** WIS *** INT ** CHA ***

Grey Elves - frail and thin. Very intelligent, quite fast. Good casters and rangers, bad warriors. Innate infravision.
STR ** DEX **** AGI ***** CON ** WIS *** INT **** CHA ****

Half Elves - frailer than humans but stronger than elves. Excellent rangers. Innate infravision.
STR *** DEX *** AGI *** CON *** WIS *** INT *** CHA ***

Gnomes - a short, smart race, but also weak. Gnomes tend to fidget around and invent things. Consequently, they make good mages.
STR ** DEX *** AGI *** CON *** WIS ** INT ***** CHA **

Trolls - tall, thin but strong and very fast. Good strength and even better constitution and agility, but fire based spells destroy them and they are stupid as a rock. Good warriors. Have infravision, bodyslam and regenerate innates.
STR **** DEX ** AGI **** CON ***** WIS ** INT * CHA *

Ogres - huge and enormously strong, but slow and stupid as a rock. Excellent warriors. Innate bodyslam, infravision and doorbash. Highest hitpoints and strength of any race.
STR ***** DEX ** AGI ** CON ***** WIS * INT * CHA *

Drow - Evil elves, aka dark elves. Frail but smart and fast. Good casters and rogues. Innate levitation, faerie fire and ultravision (don't need a light to see in dark, but blind during the day).
STR ** DEX **** AGI **** CON ** WIS *** INT **** CHA ****

MUDs change a lot more than commercial games, so classes and races have been added/removed a number of times throughout the history of Sojourn. That's what they looked like at the time when Everquest was being designed. I have no idea what they might be today.
Last edited by greatdane; 10-15-2020 at 07:35 PM..