Thread: Mage 51+
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Old 09-19-2020, 05:39 PM
dwikt96 dwikt96 is offline
Scrawny Gnoll

Join Date: Aug 2020
Posts: 27
Default Mage 51+

So the scaling of mage pets from 1-49 are really nice, the 49 pet is a massive upgrade over the 44 and so on, but as i'm looking at kunark pets i notice there is barely any upgrade - however the mobs get VERY much harder, is mage still a legit class in kunark?

like right now i can duo some of the best content with a sham or enc or cleric, but it seems like id need to chain cast pets to due the same thing in kunark/velious

are mages just kinda left behind in expansions in terms of scaling and strength versus something like a necro or a chanter?