Thread: Weed, man.
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Old 08-26-2020, 10:54 AM
Bigsham Bigsham is offline

Join Date: Jan 2020
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I smoke a small amount of weed, once per day usually at about midnight

It helps me wipe everything clean and go to bed with a clear head, if i dont smoke i think about way too much shit and feel crappy.

Should weed be legal? no

Should it be decriminilized? yes

Todays pot is 10x stronger then the pot that was mainstream just 10 years ago

that pot was 10x stronger then the pot on the 60s and 70s

All these souped up weed products are doing brain damage to these millenials and making them not want to work or do anything with their lives.

If you smoke too much pot it will ruin your motivation and you wont do shit with your life.