Thread: Aliens
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Old 08-03-2020, 03:24 PM
Danth Danth is offline
Planar Protector

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Originally Posted by Lune [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Honestly I can't fathom how the story of Jesus isn't universally interpreted as extraterrestrial intervention.
Who'd interpret it that way? The folks who believe take it at face value as-presented, and the folks who don't believe regard it as the delusional ravings of primitive fishermen. It's a fair interpretation but not one that'll have any sort of in-built audience. It's a particularly fair interpretation when you consider that any god, should such a being exist, must by definition be an extra-terrestrial being. After all, sufficiently advanced technology becomes indistinguishable from magic.

Let's go a little bit farther: Suppose it wasn't a coordinated effort from an entire alien civilization but rather a single entity's (or small group's) pet project, and that entity has either lost interest (akin to a child's abandoned ant farm) or met its demise. Bam: No more miracles, no more visions, no more revelations.


I have no trouble believing alien lifeforms exist due to the mere reality of our own existence coupled with the vastness of the universe. The only real question amounts to rarity of such, and especially the rarity of technological civilization. The appearance technological civilization on our own world--a sample size of 1, admittedly--appears to have been something of a rare fluke considering the many hundreds of millions of years where it was just so many dumb animals running around.
