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Old 06-12-2020, 07:12 PM
sonofbaal sonofbaal is offline

Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 19

Originally Posted by DeathsSilkyMist [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
When you get Torpor at level 60, you will be regenerating at 300 HP per tick. This means the extra 8 HP you get as a Troll while standing (you RARELY sit as a 60 shaman with Torpor) is barely noticeable. I am not saying extra regeneration is useless when you have Torpor, but it becomes MUCH less significant.

This is why you rarely see level 60 Torpor Shamans running around with . The extra regeneration becomes much less noticeable. Level 60 Torpor Shamans (myself included) tend to prefer for the high HP and high resists. If those Shamans are willing to lose an extra 13 HP regeneration per tick, they are certainly willing to lose an extra 8 HP regeneration per tick.

Frontal Stun Immunity, however, can be a lifesaver. When you are fighting a super tough mob, you will only have a few minutes to get control of the situation, or die. An untimely interrupt when casting Slow, or Torpor, could be the difference between life and death.

Lets say you only have 3 minutes to gain control of a situation or die, for example. that extra 8 HP regeneration from being a Troll will net you a measly 240 HP over 3 minutes. That is 1-2 hits from a tough mob. Not a lot of benefit. Getting less interrupts on a Torpor or Slow, however, means you have a higher chance of getting control of the situation. If you have to waste an extra 15 seconds trying to slow the mob due to interrupts, you are losing WAY more than 240 HP.

This is why Ogres tend to be considered the best Shaman race. Frontal Stun Immunity is something you cannot get on gear, and regeneration becomes much less desirable at 60 with Torpor.

EDIT: In terms of your snare question, the necklace is not that great. It lasts 6 ticks, and the snare is so bad the mob needs to be at 10% to stop running, instead of the usual 20%. Not to say it is useless, but it is definitely not as good as it would need to be to justify rolling a Troll over an Ogre. If you really want snare on an Ogre, you can get Removed Anklesmasher, thought it was Shaman usable for some reason.
Forgive me since I am not big game shaman, but does tupor act as a CH at level 60? not sure how many HP shaman are rolling with these days.

Even even with torpor running unless you are hitting full health, regen is still basically adding health and therefore mana. You are paying lets say 200 mana for 1200-1500 health, lets say at 1200 , you can then candi that down to 600 mana roughly speaking, but during this you are still getting mana shrug. I can kinda see it.

if we think about it another way , the 6mana/tick from the regen sitting , out of your meditate mana , which is what...21 , say you have crack, thats 32? So your regen is roughly 20-25% of your mana regen that you get from extra health that you cani.

Now what you can argue, and is such an interesting point that with efficient heals, you basically bump you mana to what...600mana/24 seconds assuming you turp/cani = 25m/s = or 800mana/24 seconds to get = 34

so if we low ball it take uh 25 + 21 from meditate + 11 from crack = 57m/tick which would render the 6hp/tick to about 10% of your total mana regen , which is still not insignificant. Highball would be 34 + 21 + 11 = 66m/tick

I hope all that made sense, and thank you for your input I really appreciate it.

I don't disagree that fsi can save the day.
Bombata the Bearslayer - Shaman