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Old 06-10-2020, 12:03 PM
magnetaress magnetaress is offline
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Originally Posted by fastboy21 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Under what I'm suggesting a guild in theory could still monopolize the fbss camp forever (just keep passing it to another guildy when you are done)...they just can't lie about it to circumvent the already established rules.

You aren't entitled to just show up and eventually get loot. Players own their camp. They can pass it how they want. Just hanging out in frenzied room all day doesn't mean you will ever get to the top of the list I'm'd still have to socially interact, etc.
No body owns anything online and there will always be disruptive people, i don't think the gms should get involved everytime something dramatic happens only when it's negatively impacting the server environment as a whole. This whole idea of 'owning' and 'entitlement' and 'controlling' to camps is ridiculous.

Like when one group will not share for a month on end, or when 1 player continually, over the course of several days just disrupts a zone. Not when 1 person trains or KS's or memblurs 1 mob. That stuff should happen from time to time. Sometimes camps should switch hands in less than agreeable ways.

No one engaged in die hard camp monopolization on live, because eventually some crew would log in with a wizard and an enchanter, and put an end to it. There was no petition war at that point. Unless it went on and on repeatedly. Verent, 989, and Sony weren't in the business of doloing out heavy punishments, it took me months of trolling ooc and verbally abusing a GM to get silenced for 2 hrs in /ooc chat. They would suspend someone for like 1 night at most, a 1 week punishment was severe. Most times, BOTH sides just got a warning to not be dumb and get the CSR involved if they want any fun at all. Otherwise they would both have to take turns. Then when the opposing parties abused that agreement is when the big guns came out, when players went against the CSR, not each other.

Most players would then default to sharing a camp, even among multiple groups because they didn't want total nuklear escalation. This doesn't happen with list and it doesn't happen with the limited staffing of p99. There's no way to enforce this kind of environment programatically. I think it would be better for CSR staff on this project to only get involved in player disputes after a month or so of seeing how it plays out, then u can really spot who the bad guys are. And give people a chance to get to really know who each other really is. You will see peoples true colors. Then. It'd take a year for the project to transition, but the new community that would rise out of this would be much better than the petty bickering and pathetic bullshit we see here today.
Last edited by magnetaress; 06-10-2020 at 12:13 PM..