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Old 06-09-2020, 05:38 PM
Nimmanu Nimmanu is offline

Join Date: Oct 2013
Posts: 48
Default The Gifting Guild <Charm> (Not about grouping, not about raiding)

Hello everyone,

I have been considering what direction to take Charm for some time. We have become very small, but that was not always the case. However, I have realized that the typical guild goals are not really what Charm is about at this time.

When I play Wyldwinde (GM of Charm), I enjoy buffing people. I take newbie items and hand them out. I help people new to the server get established.

This is the same with the other members of Charm. We all give out items, we buff, we stop in and powerlevel if we're in the mood to do so. Then we move on.

I'm looking for people who enjoy that. I'm looking for folks for whom (say as an example) a Springwood Club is something they can't really be bothered to sit around trying to sell, so they are willing to give it out to newbies. People who take pleasure in stopping to buff people as they run past.

Charm won't be a raiding guild. We won't be a leveling guild. We will do fun and funny stuff sometimes. So lowbie characters that you don't mind playing some games, doing naked runs from Qeynos to Freeport... whatever, with... are welcome. But not if you're looking to ask for groups in guild and expect to have them delivered. Of course you can ask, but if you come specifically for that... you're missing the point.

It would be cool to have a guild name on the server that people are happy to see. Because you're kind, positive, and maybe they remember you from that one time in Osasis when they first started out and you showed up and saved them.

And someday, it would be nice to have people who want to give out an item but can't be bothered to do it themselves walk up to a Charm person and say, "I have a newbie item you can gift someone," and know that it'll be given to a newbie. So even people not in Charm can participate in the fun of giving, without giving up their own bank space or having to go in search of newbies themselves.

Well. If that sounds like fun, or sounds like you, and you're "guild single" at the moment, give me a hollar in game. If you get to a point where you're ready to move on or want to start playing that noob char, or it's raiding guild time, everyone is welcome to leave with happy wishes and godspeed... and welcome to stay just as much.
Wyldwinde (Lady Druid) GM of <Charm> - "Sure. Whatever you nee---Oh, look, blond wood elf guy!" *wanders away*

Nimmian (Womanly Warrior) - "I go where the winds of Karana drive me."

Amris (Girlie Bard) - "Right now, I'm thinking heavy metal. No, really, lambent is heavy."