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Old 05-27-2020, 02:55 PM
Castle2.0 Castle2.0 is offline
Planar Protector

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Join Date: Aug 2014
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Lightbulb The Manadance™ (Video)

First things first:
  • OOM = bad vibes
  • FM = good vies
  • This ain't your grandfather's Cannidance, okay?

The Video:

The Numbers:
  • On my 39 druid Rallospeck with ~1350 mana
  • Sitting with max med skill at 39 = 16 mana/tic
  • The Manadance™ can get you about ~67 mana/tic (2 x 100hp heals --> 200hp of manastone = ~67 mana)
  • The Manadance™ ~4x faster @ 39 --> medding = 8 minutes OOM to FM, The Manadance™ = 2 minutes OOM to FM (took me 3 minutes in video due to slower internet connection (NPCs slower to accept items) and misclicks)

  • This COULD be your grandfather's Cannidance (The Manadance™ (Remix)) where you sit for med tics. Could be a future video, but the point of this video was to show the basic step, not the advanced technique. You only need to stand briefly for instaclicks (Manastone & Ring)
  • Mana pools outpace the med skill. At 60 in Kunark/Velious your manapool may be 3k but you only get 21 mana/tic from max med skill at 60. This would mean 14 minutes of sitting to go OOM -> FM, which makes The Manadance™ even more attractive in Kunark/Velious.

How to Become a Manadancer™ in 4 Steps
  1. Buy The Manastone™ if you can even find one for sale - probably have to talk to the Man(nastone) himself. 200k, ya hear?!
  2. Find out if you are [one with the wall]. If not, first mend your relationship with the Guardians of the Vale using this [one easy trick].
  3. Make sure you're amiable to the Priests of Mischief and if not, [run a few errands] to build a relationship with the freakiest Manadancer™ in the club, Hendi Mrubble.
  4. Wizards: bind at Hendi (that's what my DE wiz does.) Druids: bind at Hendi or self port into Misty. Other classes can do, but you'll need a Druid to get you there.

Become a Manadancer™ today!