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Old 05-08-2020, 07:47 PM
Baler Baler is offline
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ChooChoo Train
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You're either trolling or have never played a rogue at a raid in velious.
Your miss information is dangerous to anyone who may come across this thread in the future.

Wizards have a mana pool, they cast their nukes and then have to sit meditating.
Rogues are constant dps with epic+offhand, they out dps wizards in velious easily without absurd high end raid weapons. First hand experience talking here.

Raid targets in velious have more health than classic and kunark. As I've already stated wizard in classic and kunark are nice for this reason. The lower life raid targets in classic and kunark can be nuked down by a group of wizards. But come velious, they take a serious back seat to rogues. But of course im not saying classic/kunark raid targets disappear, they're still around for wizards to nuke in velious. Velious raid targets rogues win the dps race. EVERY, TIME.
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Told this to Rogean, Nilbog & Menden.
Last edited by Baler; 05-08-2020 at 07:53 PM..