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Old 04-14-2020, 03:10 PM
pivo pivo is offline

Join Date: Apr 2020
Posts: 384

Originally Posted by Izmael [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Simplest AND easiest has to be Monk.
- Very few keys to click. Autoattack, Mend, Kick, Feign Death (FD). You can just know these 4 and be just fine. You'll need to learn how /assist works eventually but that can wait until you're 20+

- High survivability - you can FD and dodge 99% of dangerous situations. As soon as you learn the main stuff about FD, you'll almost never die until you get to the highest levels.

The main FD stuff is:
- For FD to work, you must turn autoattack off first, if you're autoattacking
- FD can fail, and you get "XX falls on the ground" message.
- A mob hitting you with a spell will break your successful FD. This includes AE spells and spells the mob started casting before you FD'd.

Mend is a self-heal ability. Mash it when you're hurt and eventually you will heal some HP.

That's pretty much all you need to know to play a Monk for a very long time. Zero spells to worry about, no mana. Your bare hands are deadly weapons too. No need to worry about getting any for a long time.
Monk sounds interesting, will try it out, thanks. Is FD a spell?