Thread: Altoholism
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Old 04-02-2020, 09:09 AM
Midoo Midoo is offline

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Posts: 188

Thank you Fammaden.

By least effort to play together I mean rotating through my 3 alts, taking each of them through the next bracket every time I don't feel like playing my main.

Like if my favorite grouping spots on my Shaman are way too crowded I'd look at my three other alts, pick one and level them until the next spell tier/ability unlock. And then some other day I'd look at one of the other two alts I haven't leveled yet and work on that, and again after a while until all three of them are the same level. Then it's back to the Shammy. Rinse and repeat if I get bored of him again.

What's the consensus on Rogues? I'm actually thinking of going BAR ROG and waiting until Kunark drops to make an IKS NEC. I should be able to afford a couple of cheap weapons and STR twinking gear off the tunnel. Any suggesions?

23 y/o forever DM and old school fantasy nerd - Discord: midoo
Odym Drekk
- 54 BAR SHM (main) || Midoo - 52 BAR WAR (alt)