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Old 01-02-2020, 05:14 AM
Dolalin Dolalin is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2009
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More evidence, confirming it was still active in June 1999 and must have been changed in that month, given the post dates:


"Doug Wolfe" <> sez:
>Hi there. Just made up a mew magician, and was wondering if there were any
>good Magician sites to look at? Also, any advice would be appreciated (I
>started in Freeport).
Forgot to mention:

There's an important distinction between /pet guard me and
/pet follow me:

/pet guard me tells your pet to stay near you and attack
anything dangerous that gets with a certain radius of you.

/pet follow me tells your pet to stay near you and only attack
things that attack you first.

Ever since I found this out, I've used /pet follow me
exclusively. Before that there were many instances where I'd be
sitting down regaining health and mana only to see something like
"Goner says 'Time to die, a grizzly bear!" Since I started using
follow instead of guard, that hasn't happened.

/pet sit down is a useful command for keeping your pet in one
spot. While this isn't important in the outdoor zones (pets will stay
in one spot automatically when you stop), it's vitally important in
dungeons. In dungeons, pets will pace around when you stop.
Sometimes they'll pace in front of a critter that wants to play. And
suddenly you've got a fight on your hands that you didn't need and
maybe can't win. /pet sit down keeps them from pacing.

Another useful trick with /pet sit down is crossing bridges.
If you stop on a bridge, your pet will begin to pace. If the bridge
is thin, your pet will drop off the side of the bridge and will have
to take the long way back to get to you. The long way back can often
mean passing up lots of MOBs. (This is called Pet Train Syndrome.
Nothing worse in a dungeon than seeing "Taunting Attacker Master" and
looking around and not being able to find your pet. A speedy exit from
the zone is recommended at that point.)

Unfortunately, some bridges can be tricky. The first bridge
you come to in Upper Guk, for instance, is a guaranteed Pet Train
generator. The bridge is very thin, and it curves in a couple of
places. So you can't take it at full speed. Which means your pet
comes up behind you, starts to pace, then falls off into the water.
Well, there are 2 guk guards and a gaz warrior in the water. Guess
what? They're about to make short work of your pet. Guess what
happens after that? They're coming after you. To avoid this, go
right up to the start of the bridge and use /pet sit down. Then cross
the bridge yourself. When you get to the opposite side, type /pet
follow me. The pet will sail across the bridge and the Pet Train will
have been avoided.

The downside to /pet sit down is that it's easy to forget that
you've told your pet to do this. When you give this command, your pet
will sit there until you tell it otherwise. There have been many
instances where I've run off into the depths of Blackburrow, looked
around and discovered that my pet was missing, ran back to the
Bleachers where my pet was still sitting, typed /pet follow me, ran
*back* off into the depths of Blackburrow, etc. The other problem is
that if your pet is in "sit" mode and you tell it to attack something,
it will become animated and will follow the MOB until it dies or the
pet does. As soon as the MOB dies, the pet will revert to its
previous command. If the previous command was /pet sit down, your pet
will stay right where it killed the MOB. This can lead to frustrating
searches for your parked pet unless you bothered to buy the Sense
Summoned spell.

Humble Erudite Conjurer of the 4th Circle