Thread: WTB Manastone/Rubi BP
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Old 12-26-2019, 01:46 PM
Tuljin Tuljin is offline
Fire Giant

Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 636

Nobody is trolling and I don't really think anyone is saying they're worthless, but they aren't worth 50k plat in today's money. Don't forget the people who farmed them and actually don't want to sell and are using them.

The #1 indicator of what they're worth is what people are willing to pay. Obviously OP who is sitting on over 100k is going to ultimately pay what he thinks it's worth, and obviously he doesn't think it's worth 35k. Because it's not.

Manastone is similar where yes it's really good but at the same time I am amazed at how many people don't know it only works in old world zones. Even some veterans ive run into who came back after a while. The fat cats are trying to keep that little tidbit of info on the hush though. If this were common knowledge (it should be) the perceived value instantly plummets.

If Rubi BP sells for 35k when Kunark drops that won't be anywhere near the value of 35k today's money. It certainly won't sell for MORE than it will today. It's worn regen that a monk can't wear. People who actually need plate have better options, especially seeing how few seem to solo and everyone constantly cranks full groups all day at hotspot camps.

It's a good opportunity to address the ludicrous and largely arbitrary item valuation on Green and people have started a discussion. OP can buy whatever he wants and he will pay what he thinks it's worth. Those holding onto these items are foolish to think that they will be with MORE in the future and they should take their 25-35k offers today. This amount one year from now will have nowhere near today's buying power.

The tunnel rat Mr. EQ cool hotshot attitude is complete bullshit and it's a very tired act. Items are only worth what people pay, period. Every day that goes by more are farmed and plat is worth less, period. Good luck to OP, he'll get a good deal.
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