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Old 12-26-2019, 04:33 AM
ajdes ajdes is offline

Join Date: Jul 2014
Posts: 280

Heres what I think ive learned or at least my current preferences.

In my weapon bag ive got:
- Bull Smasher (6/20 1HB)
- Dragoon Dirk (6/23 P)
- Polished Granite Tomahawk (6/26 1HS + Berserker Strength Proc)
- Crookstinger (4/21 P + Weak Poison Proc)
- Double Bladed Bone Axe (18/48 2HS)

Based on what other comments, what i've read, and my own anecdotal evidence, hate can be simply calculated by potential damage of equipped weapon(s) + procs. Double attack and critical strikes chances affect all weapon(s) equally so they can essentially be ignored for the purposes of hate.

Calculating Dmg Potential
Using the dual wield chance formula from,, at lvl 20 Bull Smasher + Dragoon Dirk should provide roughly a dmg/dly of (6/20) + ((20 + 105) / 500) * (6/23) = .365 dmg/dly. Double Bladed Bone Axe is 18/48 = .375 dmg/dly. PGT + Crookstinger = 6/26 + ((20 + 105) / 500) * (4/21) = .278 dmg/dly.

At lvl 20 the Bull Smasher / Dragoon Dirk and Double Bladed Bone Axe provide similar dps potential, but the PGT + Crookstinger lag significantly behind (~25%). With low dexterity (I have 93) PGT + Crookstinger just dont seem to proc enough to be worth the inferior dps. Using non-proc weapons, I've found that I can generally keep my threat above everyone but Rogues, Monks, or Slowers. Monks can flop, Slowers can root, but Rogues are just kind of not a good pair until evade gets added. With PGT + Crookstinger I was usually behind other classes in threat until / if I got a proc which resulted in me holding aggro for less time than just going straight for the dps.

I think the best low level strategy is to just max dps potential and forget about procs. Currently in classic the best bang for your buck seems to be in 2 handers. Langseax of the Wolves, Silvery Two Handed Axe, Blackened Iron Bastard Sword, etc.. all seem to provide a good value at maxing ones dps potential for the least amount of plat. Also you get the bonus of taking less riposte dmg with a 2 hander.

Eventually with dual wield skill increases, increased damage bonuses, and better ratio 1H proc weapons, dual wielding becomes more appealing. But, in my current level range, once you get past the lvl 20 damage cap, sinking money into a good ratio 2 hander seems like the way to go.