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Old 11-14-2019, 03:35 AM
Aveenia Aveenia is offline

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Join Date: Jul 2014
Location: Arctis Tor
Posts: 90

I want a guise purely for RP reasons. I have always insisted I am a Dark Elf Druid, (who else will see to the care of Nektulos?) and since it's impossible for my Blue druid to get one I am starting over and working to get one on my new druid. I am still very tiny, but I have a dream! I have camped one successfully on a couple "official' prog servers and I am determined. I have Deathwish coffee, and am a housewife who is very bad at her job. I'm also an artist but I can take a sabbatical since the list camp isn't likely to hit my busy season.

I should also probably try for a manastone, but priorities... you know?
^*^ Aveenia ^*^ - Druid TEAL
^*^ Aveenia Inverse ^*^ - Druid 38 BLUE (RIP)
Last edited by Aveenia; 11-14-2019 at 03:37 AM..