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Old 09-24-2019, 12:24 AM
Nagoya Nagoya is offline
Fire Giant

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Join Date: Jun 2013
Posts: 674

used to play on p99 when xp penalty was still a thing.

1) people definitely know about it. and hate it. and talk about it. and make you feel bad about it.
2) most people still do invite you to groups. respect their lists. shut up once you start fighting.
3) sometimes you might lose a spot in a list. or not be invited into a group. it will happen. a few times. you will hate it.
4) sometimes you have to explain for a thousandth time how xp sharing works, and that you're only slowing down the xp by about 2% cause you're a lvl 18 paladin in a full group of lvl 21 incl. some troll shaman, a monk and a wizard and everyone is sucking XP anyway. and that mean that everyone is gonna ding in 2h03 instead of 2h00 and nobody should care.

in the end this is not gonna ruin your character. you can still group. most people are cool about it.

but yes it is a thing, and yes it will have an impact on your grouping capacities. a tiny bit. brace yourself /o/
Nausicaa, Barbarian Warrior of the Wind ♡45♡
Nagoya, Halfling Druid of Karana ♡54♡