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Old 09-09-2019, 08:09 AM
mischief419 mischief419 is offline
Fire Giant

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Join Date: Aug 2014
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Posts: 565

Wait, pet bar was removed? That's extremely disappointing. It's understood that it's not classic, but it's been with us for years then taken away - would have been best to remove it immediately, if the plan was to take it away later. It's a bit demoralizing, to say the least.

Gonna miss the QoL the pet bar offered to make pet stuff fun instead of tedious - felt so normal it felt classic. What's next, the multiple chat bars? Item links? Minimum 2 minute zoning times? Forced low resolution? Some things are meant to adapt to the new age of what's considered classic, imo.

> "Also /pet health is the command and in the text box it will say "my health is 88.95%"

Welp, we traded pet bar for bountiful amounts of hotkey pet hp spam chat. Sure this is worth the downgrade for the classic experience?

Originally Posted by loramin [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
There was never a "Red server" on live.
Mate, RZ was the only server to defeat an unkillable dragon. Come, now. Sure, the collected pop was only of 1 server, but it was a strong community and made things significantly more interesting. Even to this day, I prefer 20 pop red over 200 pop blue. Blue is just so flavorless. P99 red is as close as it comes to the RZ experience, only with no need for a NO DROP set (monks are pretty stoked about that, esp, haha). I love it, and those at Red I can't see going to a Blue again after that (once you go red....)

Even then, green? That's awesome that they've come this far, but ... who really wants to start over completely, again, naked with no plat? We're not teenagers, anymore - although I wish, time is a bit scarce as time goes on. I mean, enough time to play eq, but to start over *completely*..... idk maties. Either way, it's not pvp, so I'm skipping it - but just reflecting what others may or may not do.

I'm curious to see what the population will be, but I feel like there's more hype over people that will actually join (unless there's a /copy or something)~

But I do have time to play my existing chars that took me years to get to where it is now ~ I love my red toons. As long as there's enough out there for me to at least duo with, I'm happy.
Xblade & Magicite, p99 Red
Last edited by mischief419; 09-09-2019 at 08:36 AM..