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Old 05-17-2011, 12:38 AM
Kraftwerk Kraftwerk is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2010
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Default Welcome to Project 1999 Raffle and MORE

Welcome to Project 1999 Raffle and Festivities

Where: Greater Faydark
When:Thursday May 19th

7:30-8:30 ET (Eastern Time, whatever time it currently is in New York City) PM : Organize and hand out raffle tickets
8:30 - 10:00 ET(Eastern Time) PM : Festivities!

Due to the recent influx of new players and the release of the Kunark expansion, I've decided upon holding an event to celebrate and come together to enjoy the game for one of many reasons we hold it As I can think of no other type of celebration that would be enjoyed by all more than one involving giving away FREE prizes, I've settled on a raffle.

But this won't be just a raffle, not by a long shot. I'm going to also have:

Duels - Preferred lowbie/mid-range, we'll find partners around same level range and duke it out! Winner take all, including a prize!

Footrace - We'll select two participants who will run to a secret location away from the group, open trade with Adrastea (who will be assisting me in organizing the festivities), then run back as fast as they can and use the item in front of me. Last one back is a rotten egg.

Scavenger Hunt - I'll be asking the entire crowd to participate and search high and low in the Greater Faydark for...something? More to be revealed during the event!

But now down to the main draw for the event! The Raffle! All tickets that I give out for the raffle are 100% guaranteed FREE!! I'll have a few rules regarding the divying out of prizes for the raffle though:

1) Only ONE ticket per individual, so when I give you your number, hold it dear and pray for luck!
2) In order to honor the spirit of the event that I would like to hold, nobody level 50+ will be eligible for prizes. I'm sorry [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]. My aim is to have this be for the newer players upon our server, to meet people and maybe get a new item to throw on their shoulders as they climb the ranks towards those of us veterans. This isn't to say you're not welcome! Please come and enjoy, any and all lvls are welcome!
3) There will be one Grand Prize of 5000pp, all who receive a raffle ticket are eligible for this prize. There will also be ~30+ smaller prizes along the way. If you win a smaller prize you won't be able to win another small prize, BUT you ARE still eligible for the Grand Prize at the end!

Now to the fun part! The prizes will include...

5000pp Grand Prize!!
Black Sapphire Necklace
Froglok Bonecaster Robe
Reed Belt
Acid Etched War Sword

Burynai Legion Gi
Golden Chitin Bracer
Green Jade Broadsword
Short Sword of the Ykesha
Sword of Skyfire
Robe of the Oracle
Tattered Mantle
Braided Cinch Cord
Skull-shaped Barbute
Platinum Ruby Veil
Charred Guardian Shield
Sebilite Scale Neckguard

And many many more!

Update - I've found my Wizard! Tarnot will be in The East Commonlands tunnel on Thursday evening from 6:45 - 8:30 ET (Eastern Time) shuttling people over to Greater Faydark FREE OF CHARGE and when the event finishes he will be shuttling you right back to West Commonlands for all needing it, also FREE! So for those lowbies thinking "Awww shucks I'd love to go but it's all the way over in Gfay, how would I get there AND back?!" now you can without a single worry!

I look forward to seeing many new faces, and there will be plenty of beer, cake and FIREWORKS to go around.

Any and all questions, concerns or comments - do not hesitate to post on this thread, send me a PM or just contact me in game!
Solsek - Wizard of the Advisor Robe

Originally Posted by ZenjitsuRZ View Post
Multiplication is used at all levels.
Last edited by Kraftwerk; 05-17-2011 at 06:28 PM..