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Old 04-11-2019, 10:21 AM
1asdfasdf1 1asdfasdf1 is offline

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Join Date: Dec 2017
Location: Nektulos Forest
Posts: 73

Thank you everyone for the advice! I have summarized it with a count of the # of times that advice was given.

4: Fight easier mobs (You want a substantial level difference between you and what you are fighting; You'll hit for more and be hit less.). Try to fight things that are as low level as possible but are still dark blue.
4: Get out of Velious. Mobs hit harder and have more HP. Not great for grinding XP.
3: Level up
3: Improve your bind wound skills
2: Soloing is possible but will be a bit slow.
2: With your current gear, do stuff in full or near-full groups.
2: If you must duo, do so with a slower.
1. Gear up. (People who say you need a lot of cash for a warrior are saying it for good reasons)

Jimjam: have you worked out how to bandage without interrupting your melee attacks yet? No, I have not. Is this like "jousting"? I need to look up vids on that. I guess, get a long delay 2 hander and time my bandaging out? (I'll need a macro to target me, start bind wound, target previous target?)

bigjeff100: What is a "5th BiS alt"?