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Old 04-09-2019, 12:28 PM
Dillusional Dillusional is offline

Join Date: Jun 2018
Posts: 113

Hey Francois, much respect. Obviously I'm not involved in decision making in any way or even on the radar of the people who are, but I'd like to express my own biased point of view.

The Situation:
Guild A has 10 neckbeards
Guild B has 90 neckbeards.

The question:

Why should Guild B settle for an agreement that nets them 50% of the pixels available when they can leverage their numbers?


If a meta is forced upon guild B that doesn't reward zerg, then obviously it has to adapt and get lean. But Velious in general, with its large number of raid targets with 16 hour windows, rewards the zerg strategy if your goal is to kill the most raid targets each week (though not necessarily net the most pixels per player). In an agreement where Guild A gets 10% of the loot , they aren't losing. Each player is getting the same amount of loot proportionally...... and if Tunare only happens to be in window during peak hours 20-30% of the time (obviously making these numbers up)..... things seem to work out just fine.....
Last edited by Dillusional; 04-09-2019 at 12:32 PM..