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Old 03-12-2019, 09:26 AM
Seiter02 Seiter02 is offline
Fire Giant

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Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 585

You may not be able to 2-box but if you can switch characters, I think many of the things listed here actually get a lot easier.

Wraith can most definitely be done if you have a 60 druid and a 60 enchanter with a lot of patience (and dying)

Many epic mobs can be managed with some harmony, pull, root, logout strats.

Certain mobs that are absolutely un-soloable are soloable with some logout tricks. (I may or may not have some experience with said tricks)

So... alone on a server, with infinite time, I would level a druid, enchanter and shaman and I think with logout tricks could do many things that seem unsoloable.