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Old 02-10-2019, 04:16 AM
Jauna Jauna is offline

Join Date: Nov 2013
Posts: 804

Originally Posted by Talon [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
That may be true at lower levels, especially if you got yourself decked out with some decent weapons. But as you get higher level, bard melee dps becomes noticeably pitiful compared to other classes. Our roles at this point are almost always puller, CC, or some combination of the two. Sometimes tank I guess. I’m pretty sure a bard will be most effective just sticking with the instruments here.

Though I have never seen any hard numbers on this. What would make a group perform better: using instruments to provide more haste, slows, regen, strength, AC, etc per song or pulling out the weapons to tickle the mob while providing the same songs, just less effectively? Hard to say without trying to do some sort of simulation. Lord knows I’m not going put that amount of effort in.
There is no much wrong in this post I believe you made it just to piss me off.
Welp lets start off slow.
"More Haste" is crap as as an instrument will not make anthem, berserk and so on give more haste. Later on there is a 5% haste song that requires brass instruments but most people barely notice 5% haste from gear, they wont notice the lack of it from your song
"Regen" while more regen sounds neat most fights end pretty quick and the extra 100hp wont make or break any fight. It is neato as fuck to see a lute hymn user DURING DOWNTIME ONLY but no
Strength is not as big as people make it out to be and no melee dps worth their shit wont ever put starting stats into str. str comes naturally from gear and easily maxed out. You adding more strength to a few people who would benefit from it will not make or break a fight
And to clarity: strength only effects your ability to get a max damage hit, it however DOES NOT effect your chance to land a hit
More AC is debateable but you dont see many clerics these days going out of their way to spend mana on it, do ya?
If you want to be the most useful person in the world make an Enchanter and get comfortable with charming. Same mana regen as a bard, EXTREMELY more damaging when charming, much stronger hastes and way earlier and AoE CC at the snap of a finger. Meanwhile bard AoE CC stops being useful around level 30 by game mechanic

If you want a low energy team player, make a rogue. 3 buttons
/assist tank
/pause 1
/attack on

Macro 2:
/attack off
/pause 1
/doab # (whichever one is hide)
/pause 1
/attack on

And Backstab. No macro needed.

And for the OP ganna say it again, get your ass up there and hit stuff and sing.