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Old 02-08-2019, 02:58 AM
Faxi Faxi is offline

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Join Date: Mar 2014
Posts: 128

I loved Luclin.

I loved most of the new player models. I played with mix of old and new.
AA's made the classes FAR more interesting and viable.
Raids and group content actually had MECHANICS and wasnt boring as fuck tank and spank snoozefests.
VT key was the guild-sized Epic quest that was difficult but awesome.
Gear itemization was finally not dumb as fuck.
Focus effects were great.
Beastlord class was great addition.
The Nexus spires eased the travel time waster just enough to make getting to groups less painful. And no, druids and wizards didnt suddenly go poor or bored. even in PoP, my druid was still making crazy plat doing ports.

The poopsockers and neckbeards will whine about the good ol' days but actually the game was never more popular or better.
Last edited by Faxi; 02-08-2019 at 03:01 AM..