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Old 01-03-2019, 12:44 PM
Lune Lune is offline
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Back when I was depressed I remember spending an entire day immersing myself in the game. I didn't feel bad when I was immersed but I remember getting up from my chair after an entire day of EQ to walk over to my bed and being hit with just this wave of anguish, like EQ was holding the anchor up and when I stopped it just dropped. Binge-watching shows was a similar escape and I usually had to do it to sleep after a day of EQ. You can go on wallowing for years like this, consuming huge swathes of your life.

This is because EQ doesn't fix or even really modulate the most pernicious effects of depression, namely the suppression of motivation and enjoyment of activities. It's still going to be rotting away the rafters while you're absorbed in EQ. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed some stretches of that time. It was a very peaceful and at times enjoyable time of my life, but ultimately a dead end.

I hope that the good feelings you get from EQ can lead to a greater and more full recovery for you.