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Old 11-07-2018, 04:46 PM
ScaringChildren ScaringChildren is offline

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Originally Posted by katrik [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Getting something is better than nothing, no? Weird rationale. I’m hearing similar rhetoric on conservative radio.. but that’s nothing new.
Sure, it's deeper than that though.

Historically the party in the White House loses badly in midterms on the first term, especially when a president’s job-approval rating is below 50% as it is now with Trump.

The president’s party has lost an average of 37 seats since the end of World War Two.

You can see here, last night's performance was pretty average to probably above average:

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You can see holding onto both house and senate are incredibly rare.

Also, he did quite well despite the media running propaganda 24/7 and claiming he's absolutely hated by everyone.

The midterms proved that just isn't true.