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Old 08-02-2018, 10:48 AM
Ruhtar Ruhtar is offline

Join Date: Jul 2015
Posts: 221

1. As Jolanar said, you can get the ragebringer at any level, but can't equip it until 46.

2. Usually the MQ is done first, but that's up to whoever is selling it. This takes place in Highpass Hold, not HK. Everything else is correct!

3. MQs are at your own risk. This is a risk for you and potentially the MQer if you screw it up. It's by far the easiest epic MQ to do a turn in, so I haven't had a fail in 5+ years of doing them. This is also why I say the MQ is usually done first, so the person selling doesn't take the 30k and log. But in general, try to buy from someone that has done them before or at least has been on the server for some time. I don't usually trust accounts that have been made in the past 3-4 months.

4. As Jolanar said, as long as you haven't killed guards in High hold or keep, you should be fine. That said, even if you're apprehensive/dubious, just sneak behind Stanos and turn in (don't hide).

5. I'd work on filling in your blank spots first, then upgrade the items with mediocre or no stats. Stat priority I go with is Str (til 195-200, or 188 if you have a 60 shammy friend) > Sta/Hp. For dps purposes, the only stat that really matters (outside of proccing weapons) is strength. And even if you had proccing weapons, you don't want to tank that much as a rogue. Get some HP rings, mithril greaves/vambraces, maybe some barbed dragonscale boots for more health, couple of hp or str earrings (orc fang earrings are fine), thick banded belt, idol of the thorned, etc.

6. If you're not looking to raid on the toon, then most of what you listed isn't really needed. I usually just collect masks because why not (plus DE ultravision), jboots, hammer, and a wc port for those really bad situations. Bracer is nice if you don't have a see invis item, tink bags allow to you ninja more, skinning knife is meh, definitely don't need 10 root nets on a rogue or any really but can keep a couple on ya if you feel like it. As Jol said, getting Locustlure for an attack slow or a serrated bone dirk for a snare help a lot if you find yourself soloing or in smaller groups.

7. All masks work for their respective race. Iksar works similarly to DE that most mobs can't see through it, but there usually are a couple that can in the cities. I haven't tested the iksar mask as much as DE, HIE, ERU, but I've ran through cab with it. I think if you're deep in ready to attack with iksars though, it could cause problems. I don't really get masks to bank at different spots though, I use them for fashionquest.

Let me know if you have any other questions.