Thread: do u snitch?
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Old 05-23-2018, 10:20 PM
Triiz Triiz is offline
Fire Giant

Join Date: Jan 2016
Posts: 578


As far as RL, growing up the cops never actually helped anyone I knew just harassed everyone. Then when I was 18 I came out of work to find my car had been stolen. A lady I worked with called the cops, the cops showed up, spent 45 minutes harassing me and threatening to arrest me for driving suspended cause I didn't pay a speeding ticket, then the fat fuckin piece of shit cop snitched me out to my boss who almost fired me over it.

Fast forward 6 months, I start getting parking tickets in the mail for my stolen car. I call the cops and ask them why the fuck they are ticketing a car that has been reported stolen and they say the parking authority doesn't know which cars are stolen, I ask the cop if they could see if the car is in the area all the tickets were from, he lol'd.

Fast forward another ~2 months, after many, many unpaid parking tickets in various areas the cops have my stolen car towed, for unpaid tickets not cause it was stolen. They charge me $200 to get it out of the impound. When I look in the car I see it has a bunch of drug shit all over the car, apparently the car thief was a junky, I'm like you motherfuckers gonna fingerprint that shit or do some kind of police work? They lol'd.

TLDR Cops only fuck you over, never help. P99 I feel semi-differently about, but besides random bugs I've only petitioned one guy that intentionally trained me and nothing ever cause I didn't have fraps or logs.