Thread: NPC Spawn Issue: Vorshar the Despised
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Old 11-01-2017, 09:00 PM
Rygar Rygar is offline
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Originally Posted by Daldaen [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
One of the mobs on the dock near him is on a similar faction. You can dazzle it next to Vorshar to prevent the flee.

He dropped these items on Al'Kabor which had a 2002 code break cut off. I find it hard to believe they saw fit to add the mob in 2001, then not put items on him until 2002 unless there is some evidence suggesting this delay.

These items are not overpowering at all.
I still think the burden of proof lies on proving the drops existed on that mob in era, even a single post for one of the items could lead to credibility for the rest. Seems odd the item links all mention being drops or give aways from GM events at the start, then later in era mentions about drops on this guy.

Admittedly i know nothing of Al'Kabor, but is everything on that server exactly how it was on live? Or are there documented discrepancies for certain things?

Even if the code was the same, couldn't some of the database be altered, such as drop tables from mobs?
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