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Old 10-04-2017, 01:43 PM
Pokesan Pokesan is offline

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Originally Posted by markcosmin [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
[You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
First, I will you tell that I know why you banished Galeth from Felwithe so many years ago. And, at the time, you were probably right for doing so — but you were too late,” Firiona said, tightening her grip on her father’s hand as he tried to pull away. “That very night you banished him, when you suspected he was becoming too close to my mother, I was conceived. And during the time you locked my mother in the tower because of your suspicions, Galeth and my mother arranged with the servants to have me taken into the forest to be raised by him, my father, for fear you would have me killed as an illegitimate child.”


Tearis’ face twisted into an expression that Firiona had never seen. It was furrowed in many places — anger, sadness, shock.

“So, I am not your daughter or your princess by lineage,