Thread: BC Halp
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Old 09-07-2017, 08:15 AM
Tupakk Tupakk is offline
Planar Protector

Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 1,916

BitCoin isn't the way to go. The market price is super high. You might have better luck with ethereum.

If you have a decent backup rig you could farm it. It's pretty easy to set up. Lots of YouTube guides. However it's a slow proccess to come up with 161 dollars. Honestly I would get another credit card that will let you make your illegal purchases instead of going the BC route. Quicker and easier.

Tupakk-57 Bard(Raid Whore)Afeni-45 Druid (Dial a Port Leadership) |Forums|Facebook| Lumumba-60 Rogue(DaP Security)/(Nocterma Member) & Department of Fun Promoter