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Old 06-28-2017, 02:20 AM
skarlorn skarlorn is offline

Join Date: Jul 2016
Location: The Misty Thicket
Posts: 4,863

How has no one mentioned Runescape.

I'm talking 2D Runescape back when that shit was classic. Back when walking from varrock to the dwarf mines was an adventure and the members only side of the world had a secret city of gnomes living in trees that you couldn't see on map.

Party hats.

Yeah. You know I ran the coal trade. Buying coal from free servers and then selling to members for 100% markup. Amassing millions of gold and then loaning it out to dumb rich kids in middle school for real money every week, which I then used to pay for more months of membership.

Oh yea. I was part of the heroes guild. I could catch and cook lobster. Fuck yea.

You can't flee from combat until three rounds have passed bitch.