Thread: That's racist!
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Old 03-30-2011, 06:28 PM
Harrison Harrison is offline

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Originally Posted by impact [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
haha well those people did voluntarily appear in that commercial. fact is man, americans are all just extremely arrogant. we think we can go on being assholes to everyone around the world and get away with it. we're in for a rude awakening. any student of history would know this. the roman empire lasted, what approx 200 years? i think the american empire (yes empire considering how many military bases we have around the world. people on okinawa want us to leave? HAHAHA too bad bitches) is just about to run its course. its quite obvious our systems are collapsing (by design) around us, but us americans, we do what we have always done best, and stick our heads in the sand and pretend its not happening. HUGE CORPORATIONS STRAIT STEALING MONEY FROM THE TAXPAYER? THE CIVIL LIBERTIES THAT ONCE MADE US GREAT BEING STRIPPED BEFORE OUR EYES? BOMBING EVER MORE PEOPLE KILLING 100'S OF THOUSANDS OF INNOCENT CIVILIANS AROUND THE GLOBE? WHO CARES, WE HAVE DANCING WITH THE STARS AND AMERICAN IDOL WOOOOT!!!!1
Lol they probably should have thought about that before sneak attacking Hawaii, eh?