Thread: Good Times
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Old 04-03-2017, 07:15 PM
Symbioticforks Symbioticforks is offline

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Join Date: Jan 2014
Posts: 382

I raid to pvp. It's a shame not to put a new computer to good use, I enjoy lots of games. The people who only find enjoyment from Everquest are the weirdos you've gotta watch out for. It's like staying dedicated to a woman who's let go of herself. (and she's your sister) You should probably find someone else, something else but you don't because you're missing too many chromosomes to know better. So I play Dark Souls, World of Warships, and For Honor when the server population is around 40.
Last edited by Symbioticforks; 04-03-2017 at 07:18 PM..