Thread: GizzAAAAWW
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Old 01-22-2017, 09:38 AM
syztem syztem is offline
Fire Giant

Join Date: Oct 2015
Posts: 964

its called pvp mmmk, of which i killed one and made 3 others plug. I am all around one of the top pvpers on this server krazy, if you haven't realized that yet. but you don't play so what do i know. ur a hasbeen no1 human monk that was too stubborn to reroll iksar. also PVP PVPV DEAD 99 VPVPVPVPVPVPVPVPVVPVPVP.

I liked hiding in dozekar room, brobb didn't even know where to find me. i watched him wander the halls up and down like a idiot while he didn't even see me.