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Old 12-23-2016, 01:01 PM
Pent Magick Pent Magick is offline
Scrawny Gnoll

Join Date: Apr 2014
Posts: 24

Catch me sometime in the tunnel mate. I'll be happy to at least give you a hand getting your fire focus.

A story from last night...
In real life I'm a painting contractor and student. There is always a rush right before the holidays to get jobs done so people can move or have their place be nice for the holiday. Yesterday I worked a 15 hr day and came home to relax on P99 and hang out in the tunnel as I do. I did my normal thing where I OOC about new players and seeing if anyone needed help. Got a few tells from this guy and I hook him and his brother up with some money and his brother's warrior with some gloves and some money. Anyway, like 5 minutes later I get a tell from the one guy telling me how much it meant to him because he and his brother didn't have a lot of money IRL for Christmas gifts but were spending time in Norrath together as a way to celebrate Christmas. I know it seems strange, but this along with a myriad of other reasons are why I try and help others. Kindness and hope are often free. Please remember during the holidays and throughout the year to be kind to one another.

~Pentacle Magick~
Cleric of Tunare