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Old 12-12-2016, 04:56 PM
reevesz reevesz is offline

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Originally Posted by spanky_kc [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I don't see how this is any different then guilds selling Vindi Loot rights, Ring War items, NtoV items, and the list goes on. Don't hate the player hate the game.

In regards to the training. I have a nice fraps of clue *trying* to train us but failing and then wiping to their own train @ zone in. Was quite a delight to watch.
Vindi, Ring War, and NToV are primarily handled by which guilds? Awakened, Rustle, Aftermath, and possibly Anonymous. None of those events prevents a guild from accomplishing their epic pieces and can be monopolized like you are doing in Hate.

Again, there are multiple guilds on this server that are saying the same related matter being discussed here. You and your fellow teammates do not show etiquette to the raid that are there trying to get their pieces. You are disrupting the work of that guild. Disrupting the zone by pulling through the raid (possibly training) to get to the miniboss. You're ruining the reputation of Aftermath. You antagonize, grief, and show poor etiquette to the game for your own benefit.

Originally Posted by spanky_kc [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I can understand where you are coming from. But there are items not on this list that I/my friends need that we are not selling.

Not to mention in a previous post, you state that you are there for one item for you or your friend yet you have listed every item the minis drop for sale. What exact item are you looking for? Is it that much beneficial to you to prevent raiders who have been there (well before you log on) for hours trying to make their guild better?