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Old 11-17-2016, 06:30 PM
Erati Erati is offline
Planar Protector

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couple things...

the fixed spawn was not classic and was a bandaid for how to get the AC in SRO to work. If Nilbog could have done it the way we have it now from the start he would, the static spawning PH was never how AC worked on live ( in SRO )

to say you can 'join the server and acquire jboots like on live' is pretty misleading - are you talking about Classic era live? Jboots were and always will be sought after, even on live it was cutthroat. Hell I remember one time I was running my warrior to Lguk, I saw the AC up in SRO ran over and attacked it getting the EXP. Well apparently someone else had attacked it before me but there was not much they could do! This was in 1999, you better believe they are just as desired then.

I am not sure what fix you need, you can camp a static spawning AC for Jboots in Ocean of Tears if thats the preferred method. Its higher level so you probably are gonna say you need jboots just to get to the appropriate level to camp jboots hehe, but you do know SoW pots only cost like 100 plat and are better than jboots for the most part right?

There is also Traveler's Boots avail which offer same thing as Jboots speed wise but it has a 1 second cast, hardly anything that prevents a wiz from quadding or redoing the speed during an active quad. I think those boots costs less than 5k from the Tinker bag vender.
Eratani / Cleratani / Eratou / Stabatani / Flopatani / Eratii
Last edited by Erati; 11-17-2016 at 06:33 PM..